
​​​The implementation and use of technology throughout Saint Mary's Catholic College supports our vision of offering rich, well resourced, relevant and diverse curriculum for learning in the 21st Century.  

We understand that students at, age-appropriate levels, use technology to complete work, share ideas, learn specific skills as well as to meet, collaborate and create content virtually.  When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged they also begin to take more control over their own learning. 

The uptake of technology tools and electronic ways of working has successfully minimised our paper footprint and ensured that an environmentally responsible and sustainable approach to resource access is at the core of how we operate in our classrooms. 

Fundamental to maintaining the Saint Mary's Catholic College commitment to access technology tools for all students, we have designed our 'College Managed Device Program' to guarantee equitable, reliable, affordable and sustainable device solutions that ensure students have access to technology throughout the curriculum from Prep to Year 12. Our device access design also ensures that our students are fully prepared with the skillset demands of NAPLAN online and the digital literacy skills that set our students up for success through their learning journey and beyond. 

Students in Prep to Year 2 are exposed to regular use of technology through learning with iPads. Students in 

Years 3 to 5 have available 1:1 iPads for in-class learning. As we seek to prepare our Year 6 students for high school they transition from having iPads to learning to use laptops effectively in the classroom.  Students in Years 7-12 are provided with laptops that they are able to use both at school and at home in order that they have equal and easy access to learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom setting.


© Brisbane Catholic Education, Saint Mary's Catholic College (2022​​)​